[There was a video here]

Earlier this morning, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren came together for their very first joint campaign appearance ever. But it wasn’t just the progressives in the audience that were losing their shit. As Warren embarked on her Trump-bashing stand-up bit, Hillary Clinton herself could barely conceal her glee.

Even when what Warren’s saying isn’t really supposed to be funny, Hillary Clinton has to bite her lip to keep from beaming at Warren’s line about Trump “crushing you into the dirt to get whatever he wants.” Because as the ostensible respectable candidate, Hillary refuses to let herself engage in the sort of mudslinging that Trump is so fond of—for the most part, at least.

But now that Liz Warren is around do the dirty work for her, Hillary seems more than happy to sit back and watch the Trump burns fly. We’re inclined to agree.

Video by Nicholas Stango