[There was a video here]

Dripping with smarm, Rep. Peter J. Roskam (R-Ill.) twice offered to stop talking (perchance to dream) so Hillary Clinton could look at her notes during the Benghazi hearing Thursday.

The details, summarized by the Washington Post:

“I can pause while you’re reading your notes from your staff,” he said.

Clinton replied that she can “do more than one thing at a time, Congressman. Thanks.”

Then a second time, he stopped to tell Clinton that she could look at her notes, prompting Clinton to laugh out loud.

“Go ahead and read the note if you need to,” Roskam said.

Clinton chuckled, “I have to . . . ”

“I’m not done with my question, I’m just giving you the courtesy of reading your note,” Roskam said, interrupting her.

Hillary is fine, thanks!!!

H/T the Washington Post. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.