Hillary Clinton, perhaps the candidate most closely affiliated with lots and lots of money, unsurprisingly won the casinos during Saturday’s Nevada caucus, according to PBS’s Jon Ralston.

As early results come rolling it, AP reports that the Democratic voters were almost exactly split between candidate Bernie Sanders and Clinton.

The scene at the caucuses looks like one big, giant mess, with crowds of voters getting stuck in doors and waiting in line for hours.

Update 4:36 p.m.

In one precinct, officials used the age-old, tried-and-true method to help elect the country’s most powerful leader: a card draw.

Update 4:50 p.m.

With 33 percent of the vote in, Clinton is holding on to a tenuous lead.

Update 5:07 p.m.

Fox News, AP, CNN and NBC News have all called it for Clinton.

We will update this post as more results become available.

[Image via Getty]

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com.