After almost two years of talks and an “intense” 18-day negotiation, global leaders have reached a deal that would halt Iranian nuclear production in exchange for the cancelation of billions of dollars worth of sanctions.

The deal, which was struck with the help of a U.S.-led coalition of six nations, would put major restrictions “on the amount of nuclear fuel that Iran can keep in its stockpile for the next 15 years. It will require Iran to reduce its current stockpile of low enriched uranium by 98 percent, most likely by shipping much of it to Russia,” according to The New York Times.

This is a potentially monumental deal—not just for President Obama, who’s made diplomacy with Iran a central point in his foreign policy, but it could also improve the strained, hostile relations festering between the U.S. and Iran. Not to mention that Iran has played a key role in supporting some of the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen (to name but a few), and as the holder of the largest military in the region, Iran holds the potential to finally instigate peace instead of continuing to aid and abet various militant factions.

Now, Obama just has to sell the deal to Congress, a 60-day process that began with an appeal at the White House early this morning that was simultaneously broadcast live in Iran.

Though while Obama is doing his best to win over Congress, he also emphasized that he doesn’t exactly plant to take “no” for an answer, saying “I will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal.”

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