Honor the Disabilities Act by Enjoying a Showing of Edward Scissorhands

Remember the old heartwarming classic about some handsome guy with scissors for hands, Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands? The one that makes you cry and laugh and reminds you that judging others by their physical disabilities is morally reprehensible? Wouldn’t you like to watch that flick in the park of one of America’s finest cities?
The City of Chicago kicks off this summer’s Millennium Park Film Series this evening with the not-as-good but just-as-fun Back to the Future, the first of many other decent selections to continue through August. If you wait it out a few weeks, you will be rewarded with Johnny Depp’s soft, goth face in Edward Scissorhands. The movie will be shown on until July 14, which is also Bastille Day. Oui oui!
But did you know, as you take in this film about a man whose scissors for hands were his greatest disability and crutch in life, thus making him a point of ugly contention for his hateful neighbors, you will be celebrating and honoring the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Edward Scissorhands, whose hands were scissors, was not a real guy with disabilities. Sounds like a fun party though. Who’s going?
Screenshot via Edward Scissorhands. Contact the author at dayna.evans@gawker.com.