Howard Stern delivered the eulogy at Joan Rivers' funeral this weekend, and—as befitting the legendarily acerbic comic—he held nothing back.

Stern said on his show Monday that Rivers' daughter, Melissa, asked him to deliver the eulogy just a few days before the funeral.

Which he apparently did, with a bawdy introduction reminiscent of Rivers' more outrageous jokes.

Margaret Cho posted an account of the funeral on her blog:

In the morose silence Howard Stern said, "Joan Rivers had a dry pussy."

At first, the words just hung there, as no one knew exactly what to do. Of course I started laughing hysterically, and everyone else, remembering who we were there to honor, followed suit. Howard Stern actually choked back tears as he continued – "Joan's pussy was so dry it was like a sponge – so that when she got in the bathtub – whooooosh – all the water would get absorbed in there! Joan said that if Whitney Houston had as dry a pussy as Joan's, she would still be alive today…"

It was so wrong but so right at the same time. So Joan. So great.

And Louis CK was apparently involved.

"He'd written me and he said, 'You know, Joan really deserves a great sendoff because of her impact,' and he said something very profound, he said, 'Joan was like an aunt or a best friend who could make everything better.' And even in times after, let's say 9/11, when she would crack a joke, you didn't feel so alone...It just made you feel better knowing Joan Rivers was making a joke about it," Stern said on his show Monday. "And really, as Louis said, probably the loneliness and the unhappiness of life, what else could ease that despair but a great comedian."

[h/t Uproxx, image via AP]