I Can't Stop Looking at This Lamb With a Deformed Old Man's Face

Look at this creepy lamb reportedly born in a village in Dagestan earlier this month. Described by some as the "anti-Christ" and others as an "old man," the deformed baby sheep has terrified everyone who's laid eyes on it.
According to Yahoo News, farmer Blasius Lavrentiev told he "nearly died" after seeing the critter's awful little face.
"We had quite a tough winter but when I noticed she was pregnant I was delighted as it meant I would be able to sell the lambs and start making some money again," he reportedly said. "But when I went down to see how it was going I nearly died."
Another villager described the lamb as "both freaky and sweet."
"I don't know what to make of it really - but she terrifies my grandchildren," Dana Mishina said. "It will be interesting to see what she looks like when she gets older."