Photo: AP

Taylor Swift, a famous young singer unlucky enough to have several private romantic moments captured from multiple angles by paparazzi apparently located just feet away from her, did a funny PR thing this week. It has inspired her “ex-boyfriend,” Calvin Harris to go on a frankly hilarious Twitter rant, raising the question—who forgot to include some sort of social media clause?

Someone who may or my not be Taylor Swift’s publicist, Tree Paine, has been telling people—including PEOPLE—that the lyrics to Harris’s most recent single with Rihanna, were written not by the credited songwriter, Nils Sjoberg, but by Swift herself.

Here are some things Calvin Harris has tweeted since:

(An interesting point—Calvin Harris reportedly prevented Rita Ora from releasing what was to be a hit single after they broke up. This is why you don’t know who Rita Ora is.)

Somebody fucked up.