Image: Skyr

When you think of protests in the United States, you probably imagine militarized cops in SWAT gear, pepper spray, shootings, and billy club beatdowns. In Iceland, they’re hurling yogurt.

Thousands of protestors staked out Iceland’s Parliament building today, after the country’s Prime Minister’s shady ties were revealed in yesterday’s Panama Papers leak. In other words: yogurt time.

According to Iceland Monitor, at least one protestor “approached the main building of the Icelandic Parliament (‘Alþingi’) and threw a number of tubs of Iceland’s famous skyr at the walls and windows.

The building has since been cleaned, but the flavor of the offending yogurt remains unknown.

Now, I can’t claim to have ever tasted skyr, but I have had the equally Icelandic siggi’s. That said, I’m confident in stating that Icelandic yogurt as a whole is disgusting. It’s thick, sour, and not at all unlike what I imagine eating a large tub of chilled Gyrfalcon feces might be like, as Google tells me that the Gyrfalcon is Iceland’s national bird.

In which case, there is no patriotic protest more ideal or damaging than yogurt hurling. A hearty congratulations to Iceland and its terrible yogurt.

You can see some more photos of the protest below.