"Fancy," by America's current favorite Australian drag queen and agitator Iggy Azalea (and Charli XCX), is currently the number two song in the country. If you somehow still doubt the song's pervasive hook, know that it has officially been affirmed as mainstream by its canonization in the Dad Lip Dub Video genre of YouTube videos.

(I know Jimmy Fallon, who is also a father, already lip-synched "Fancy," but he does not count.)

And technically, this is not your everyday dad: it's KIIS FM's Jesse Lozano (or, if you must, Boy Toy Jesse), who does these kind of things on the regular. This is not to say Mr. Lozano does not do everyday dad things, like sing like a dork in the car with his daughter — he's just a little more famous than your dad probably is. Anyway, here he is, "rapping" "Fancy."

[H/T Tastefully Offensive]