Indian Court Drops Weapons Charge Against NYPD Officer

A New York City police officer is finally allowed to leave India after a court in the country's capital dropped a weapons charge against him, his lawyer said today.
In March, Officer Manny Encarnacion was visiting his wife in New Delhi when Indian airport authorities discovered three bullets he had accidentally packed in his luggage. According to New York City police, Encarnacion went to a police firing range before leaving for India and put the bullets in the pocket of a coat which he then packed for the trip.
The AP reports that he had been out on bail since his arrest, but was barred from leaving India until the case was resolved.
His lawyer, Samarjit Pattnaik, pictured above, said the court heard the case Friday and that "all charges against the officer were quashed." He added that he would approach the court early next week to get Encarnacion's passport released, and that the officer will be able to leave the country by the end of next week.
[Image via AP]