It's been called a "Declaration of Independence From A Shitty Mall Job," but the infamous district manager to whom the viral letter of resignation posted outside a Journeys store in a Rochester mall is addressed has another name for it: Bullshit.

The list of grievances left behind by store employees who quit in the middle of the day during the height of Back to School season contains claims that would clearly justify such an unapologetic walk-out.

But, as is usually the case with such stories, there appear to be a few details conveniently omitted from the indignant staffers' color-coded manifesto.

An insider with direct knowledge of the events that immediately preceded the joint resignation emailed Gawker last night to offer the district manager's side of the story.

According to this source, the three employees who quit did so not because they were being wronged by an overbearing boss, but because they had been reprimanded for violating company policy and sought a way to publicly humiliate the district manager.

The source says Jamie, the DM, had caught the store manager "giving days off to her co-manager" so the latter could get their car inspected.

Which in itself would be a bad managerial move, but what crossed the line was that those PTO days fell on Back to School weekends which are mandatory for all employees per company policy.

It was after being admonished by the DM that the manager "rallied the troops against Jamie" and stormed out, making sure the entire Internet knew about it.

But the duplicity didn't end there.

The source writes:

After the 3 walk on the store and leave the note and post to social media, the manager's(now-ex) boyfriend contacts Jamie and returns approximately $1000 in merchandise that his (now-ex) girlfriend and her cohorts had stolen over the past several months. This was a lot of merchandise.

And the infamous "cancer comment" is bologna too, the source says.

Not only had Jamie never said such a thing, but none of the employees have cancer nor do any of their family members.

As for why he decided to come forward with this information, the source acknowledges that Jamie "has her faults as a manager," but insists she doesn't deserve having her life destroyed over them.

"She's getting threats from people in the company," he says, "has to be escorted from stores at night and is being constantly harassed about this by the media."

Jamie herself is prohibited by policy from speaking about the incident, but in conversations provided to Gawker by the source she says she's "tired" of being taunted on Facebook and called the situation "horrible."

"I have spent today detailing the shit that was stolen by those assholes," she writes. "This is nuts."

A request for comment from Journeys' parent company Genesco was not immediately returned.