Otha Anders, 73, of Ruston, Louisiana, recently cashed in 45 years worth of collected pennies, netting himself $5,136.14—meager payment for a lifetime spent being driven slowly insane by the pursuit of pennies.

Said Anders:

Anders said his penny pile began to grow and he ultimately stopped spending pennies and always made sure whenever he made a purchase, his change contained at least three to four pennies.

Said Anders:

“I would never spend a penny,” he said. “I would break a dollar before giving up a penny.”

Said Anders:

Anders said he would be truly remiss if he did not acknowledge his friend, Jack ‘Domino Kid’ Brown, for helping him with his penny collection.

“Jack saved nickels as I saved pennies and every nickel that passed through my hands I would save for him,” he said. “He did likewise with pennies for me.”

It doesn’t make sense Otha!!!!!!!!!

[Photo: Flickr]