Internet Spots Pizzeria Owner Jerking Off in Kitchen, Unleashes PR Hell

A pizza shop owner in San Diego is in the midst of a PR nightmare after he was allegedly caught on webcam masturbating inside his pizzeria's kitchen.
During a quotidian "unsecured webcam" thread on 4chan the other night, an anonymous user posted a link to the surveillance camera monitoring the kitchen at Jersey Joe's Pizzeria in San Diego — a heretofore Grade A establishment.
It wasn't long before someone noticed that more than dough was being kneaded at Jersey Joe's Pizzeria, and a screengrab of the workplace wanker quickly spread across social networks.
Eventually, one of the more intrepid 4channers ventured to the newly rechristened "Jerkey Joe's" pizzeria to confront the owner, Giusepp Scire, believed to be the man seen in the webcam feed.
Though Scire was less than forthcoming about confirming his alleged indecency, the "investigative reporter" did manage to produce a few stills which were later used by Internet sleuths to confirm that the incident indeed took place in Jersey Joe's kitchen.

For his part, Scire has denied being the person in the now-viral image, and even went so far as to deny that it took place in his pizzeria.
Scire told the Huffington Post that he recently fired two employees, and suggested that one of them may be disgruntled.
The denial didn't seem to affect the fun being had a Scire's expense, with many taking to his restaurant's Yelp page to leave "rave reviews" praising the owner's "hard work," and the pizza's "distinct nutty flavor."
Uproxx managed to screengrab a few of these reviews before they were pulled by Yelp: