Is a Surfing Pig the Best Surfing Animal?
This ol' world changes so fast these days, it feels like there's nothing you can count on anymore. You go to bed on Monday feeling good because you dropped everything to watch a baby seal on a surfboard, and your life—vis. surfing animals—has pretty much peaked. And then someone's gotta go and teach a pig to surf, too.
Unlike that baby seal, Kama the pig is a trained, experienced surfer. He's been taking lessons from his owner, Kai Holt, ever since he fell into a pool as a piglet. Now he's a total pro who gets bored unless the waves are huge.
So, who you got? The wild seal pup with a charming lack of pretense, but no actual surfing skills to speak of, or the microcelebrity pig who seems born to ride the waves?
For a while there, it was all so simple.