Is Taylor Swift Living, and Maybe in Love, With a Woman?

Last Saturday, The Mail on Sunday reported that pop-country singer Taylor Swift was secretly shacking up with 22-year-old supermodel and close friend Karlie Kloss in Swift’s Beverly Hills mansion. But was there more to the Mail’s sapphic insinuations?
“It seems the 24-year-old country singer has found her soulmate,” wrote columnist Charlotte Griffiths, relying on anonymous sources with (apparently intimate) knowledge of the pair’s relationship. On Monday, however, her report was nowhere to be found. It had disappeared from the Mail’s website, MailOnline, without explanation.
So what happened to Griffiths’ column?
Sean Walsh, a spokesperson for MailOnline, explained that the column—and later, the orders to delete it—originated entirely from The Mail on Sunday, which is a sister publication of The Daily Mail. “They asked us to spike it,” Walsh told Gawker, “and we have no idea why.”

His confusion is warranted: Neither Swift nor Kloss publicly challenged the column’s accuracy when it was published last week. Other celebrity-focused websites like Gossip Cop haven’t disputed its details, either.
And those details are significant. Here’s the meat of Griffiths’ account:
Victoria’s Secret model Karlie, 22, moved in just a few weeks ago, with sources close to the singer telling me that the duo have since been “completely inseparable.”
“Taylor and Karlie have grown very close,” the source told me. “They are inseparable. Taylor wanted someone to live with her, to have some company, and Karlie jumped at the chance to move in with her friend. They spent a lot of time together before Karlie moved in but now they are rarely apart. They do everything together, from visits to the gym to going on road trips.”
But now those claims are in limbo. Reached by telephone on Tuesday and Wednesday, two spokespeople for The Mail on Sunday promised to look into the report’s disappearance. “I don’t know anything about this,” the second spokesperson, Ben Felsenburg, said today. Taylor Swift’s publicist, Tree Paine, did not return multiple requests for comment.
The column’s deletion is not entirely unprecedented. Last month, The Daily Mail took down and apologized for a report about the family of George Clooney’s fiancée, Amal Alamuddin, after Clooney denounced the report as false in a column for USA Today.
So why doesn’t the Mail want us to know about Swift’s new roommate? Is there something else going on here? Indigo Girls sing-a-longs? Restagings of Blue Is the Warmest Color? If you know anything about this, please let us know.
Update (3:15 p.m.): A spokesperson for Karlie Kloss provided the following statement to Gawker:
Karlie and Taylor do not live together and have no plans to live together. The Daily Mail did not verify the facts of the story prior to publishing it.
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Photo: Associated Press