A gallant tipster has notified us that while searching for some new basketball shorts on customer service shopping shell Zappos, he found what looks like a dick. A pointy one, but with not much girth, and perhaps a curved tail at its end. Let's assess.

Many say that perhaps it's just a fold that looks like a dick. But if you take a look up close, that is definitely a dick. A dick with a piece of string coming out of it. Maybe there is a hook coming out of this dick. That sounds normal. Can't really feel free in basketball shorts unless your dick is stuffed with string and wire.

The other colors available in the Nike New Layup Shorts (reviewed 11 times by fairly enthusiastic shorts-wearers but no queries about the free dick that came with them, which is strange) reveal no dicks but a lot of folds. But the folds elsewhere look just like that—folds. Normal stuff.

Here's another angle for your assessment.

Here you see that the dick is really just a fold, but maybe the dick is hiding. It is hard for me to determine. If you want 'em, shipping is free. A good deal not to be missed.

[Image via Zappos]