Dirty Bird, a Welsh fried chicken company, insists its new logo is not a penis. But is it a penis? (It is a penis.)

According to Wales Online, the Dirty Bird chicken van, which "visits festivals and events around Wales," has received a few complaints about its brand identity:

Customer Abigail Griffiths, 29, said: "I was queueing up with my two young sons when I looked at the logo and realised what it represents.

"It is not the sort of thing that should be on display around children."

Another customer Denise Leyshon, 43, said: "The food was finger-licking good but when I saw the logo I was a bit shocked.

"It's not really what you want to think about when you're tucking into your meal.

"I was a little shocked but I would still come back for seconds."

Neil Young, Dirty Bird's owner, claims the logo was never intended to be dicklike. The single hole on top? An eye! The drops of liquid shooting out? The chicken's comb, you perv. And the hairy balls...?

Says designer Mark James:

"We were given the name Dirty Bird as the brief, and started working on ideas. We looked at the initials, DB. Then worked with the lowercase 'db' linking them to form the shape of a rooster. It's graphic representation of a rooster incorporating the initials. It depends on how you look at it."

Some other Dirty Bird promotional materials, Wales Online reports, include posters that read "Touch My Thigh" and "Touch My Breast." It is safe to assume, I think, that this chicken is a dick.

Previously on Is This a Dick or What?

[h/t @crushingbort]