ISIS Could Blow Up the Entire USA on July 4th If We're Not Careful

As a U.S. American, just how terrified should you be this weekend about terrorism? “The vigilance surrounding this year’s celebration carries added weight,” according to NBC News. “The reason is ISIS.” Uh oh! Pretty terrified, it sounds like.
After more than 12 months of brutal ISIS news, it is perhaps unsurprising that the fear-mongers are... mongering (?) extra hard ahead of July 4th this year. “Worries of ISIS-Inspired Attacks Cloud July 4 Holiday Weekend,” says NBC. “U.S. on high alert heading into July 4 weekend,” warns CBS News. “U.S. boosting security measures ahead of July 4th,” cautions CNN.
#ISIS fighter published map of #FBI operating centres across #US few days after #FBI issues Independent Day alert.
July 2, 2015
ISIS tweets map of July 4th FBI command centers
July 2, 2015
But, haha, also:
Authorities told NBC News that they are unaware of any specific or credible threat inside the country. But the dangers are more complex and unpredictable than ever.
According to one official, there is no “specific, credible intelligence” about an attack; only that Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has called for attacks “against members of the military, law enforcement, the U.S. government and the American public.”
“There is no specific, credible intelligence to indicate any threats against celebrations over the Fourth of July weekend,” the official said.
That’s NBC, CBS, and CNN, respectively. And, according to Snopes, the map in the tweets embedded above is taken from a Daily Mail article rehashing information from a Fox News story.
So, right. Enjoy your barbecues, y’all.
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