ISIS Wants $6.6 Million for 3rd American Hostage, a 26-Year-Old Woman

ISIS is demanding a $6.6 million ransom for an unidentified 26-year-old female hostage in Syria. She was reportedly kidnapped a year ago while doing humanitarian aid work. According to ABC News, ISIS is also requesting that the U.S. release prisoner Aafia Siddiqui, who was convicted in 2010 of trying to kill U.S. officials.
In an email to executed American hostage James Foley's parents, ISIS similarly requested a multi-million dollar ransom and Siddiqui's release.
Siddiqui's family denied any ties with ISIS in a letter released today:
If the issue is true, we would like to state that our family does not have any connections to such groups or actions. We believe in a struggle that is peaceful and dignified. Associating Aafia's name with acts of violence is against everything we are struggling for.
While we deeply appreciate the sincere feelings of those who, like us, wish to see the freedom of our beloved Aafia, we cannot agree with a "by any means necessary" approach to Aafia's freedom. Nor can we accept that someone else's daughter or sister suffer like Aafia is suffering.
ISIS has also threatened the life of hostage Steven Sotloff, an American journalist. Over the weekend, President Obama approved air surveillance on ISIS in Syria, the first step towards launching airstrikes in the country.
[Image via AP]