Photo: AP

According to the Associated Press, we have reached a point in the election cycle (and history) when it is mathematically impossible for anyone other than Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination before the convention in July—there simply aren’t enough delegates left.

Trump won at least 89 of the 95 delegates at stake in New York on Tuesday, while John Kasich won at least three and Ted Cruz may not have won any. There are not enough delegates remaining in the states still to vote for either Kasich or Cruz to reach the magic 1,237 number.

An internal Trump campaign memo, obtained by the Washington Post, projects that Trump will win more than 1,400 delegates in the first round of balloting in Cleveland, preempting a much-ballyhooed contested convention.

The memo, distributed to aides and surrogates, dismisses concerns about Trump’s abysmal favorability ratings. “On its face the argument is absurd,” it states. “Everyone knows these numbers are quite fluid.”