Jeb Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise, has outspent every single one of its competitors with nearly $50 million going to ads—a fact that’s particularly depressing when you consider the ad you see above.

Now, this ad’s clear intent of eliciting groans on Twitter aside, the bigger issue is the fact that boots, as far as I am aware, can neither flip nor flop. Boots can turn. Boots can stumble. Boots can reverse. Boots can fall apart and impede you from fulfilling the senatorial duties for which you were elected. But they cannot flip.

Regardless, if you do decide to watch the entire, preposterous one minute and 20 seconds, I recommend imagining that the mysterious dancing legs belong to none other than Jeb himself. Somehow, it suddenly becomes far more bearable.

[h/t @brianbeutler]

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