Former Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb, who once killed a man, seems to be getting mighty close to re-entering the race as an independent candidate. On Saturday, Webb penned a strong-fisted tweet seeming to signify an impending run. The tweet linked to a donation page to his campaign.

On Friday, Webb penned an op-ed for The Washington Post with the headline, “America needs an independent presidential candidate.” That candidate, according to Jim Webb, is probably Jim Webb:

I am in the process of deciding whether to mount such a campaign. Clearly, the need for another option grows stronger and more apparent by the day.

A run would likely end in smoke — the last non-Democrat nor Republican president was Millard Fillmore of the Whig Party in 1850.

But who knows? Perhaps Webb, as an independent, will seem more likable and less creepy. And hopefully, as an independent, Webb will get a little more of the respect he deserves.

[Image via Getty]