Former president and also former peanut farmer Jimmy Carter says that cancerous spots doctors found in his brain earlier this year are gone, suggesting he is cancer-free.

Carter reportedly made the announcement at a Sunday School class he was teaching at the Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“He said he got a scan this week and the cancer was gone,” Jill Stuckey said by phone from Maranatha, where Carter was still in the midst of teaching to about 350 people, many of them visitors. “The church, everybody here, just erupted in applause.”

Last August, the 91-year-old man announced that doctors had found four small melanoma spots in his brain, following the removal of a large malignant tumor that had already been removed from his liver. Last month, Carter reported that he had been responding well to treatment, with no new signs of cancer growth.

“See?” James Carter, the former president’s grandson, told the Journal-Constitution. “I knew he wasn’t really human.”

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