See that generic stock photo at the top of this post? We like to avoid this. So we're looking to fill a position for a staff illustrator/designer.

We're looking for a graphic design and illustration junkie with an editorial focus.

About you: You have a good sense of typography. You're well read, newsy, familiar with Gawker Media and can recognize our voice.

You can read a post, conceptualize an interesting visual solution, and execute an image that will make that post better...within an hour or two.

You work fast, create multiple images a day and are willing to take on a large variety of subjects related to all of the Gawker sites.

You are clever and have a keen sense of humor, and your portfolio reflects this.

You live in or can commute to NYC.

About the job: Your job would be to make awesome images, over and over, every day, for some of the best writers on the internet.

This is a full-time position with great benefits and company perks.

Email with samples and a link to your portfolio.

[image via Shutterstock, a genuinely excellent stock image company we use frequently in our illustrations and art]