According to the Wall Street Journal, one of Joe Biden's sons was kicked out of the Navy reserves last year after he tested positive for cocaine less than a month after joining.

Hunter Biden—who currently runs an investment firm, sits on the board of a Ukranian gas company, and, occasionally, snorts cocaine—was only doing the military thing one weekend a month. He appears to have made it exactly one month as a commissioned ensign.

Hunter reportedly had to obtain a drug waiver to join the Navy reserves in the first place due to a youthful indiscretion, a preliminary military officers told the Journal is common. Though Hunter did not have a military education, he was fast-tracked for commission through a Navy-civilian program.

Hunter apparently joined up at age 43, officially, to follow in his grandfathers' footsteps. The Journal gently points out other possible motivators:

The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, speak regularly about the pride they take in being a military family, often referring to son Beau Biden's time in the Delaware Army National Guard and his yearlong deployment to Iraq.

According to the Journal, Biden made a prescient joke about his son's military career at a fundraiser in January, 2013.

"We have a lot of bad judgment in my family," he reportedly said. "My son, who is over 40, just joined the United States Navy."

[h/t WSJ, image via AP]