Because Jon Hamm's penis (his Dick Whitman, if you will) gets so much attention, it's easy to miss that the Mad Man also has a gargantuan head. It's so big, in fact, that Saturday Night Live's outfitters have only ever measured one star with a larger domepiece.

It turns out that the only man in Hollywood who makes even Don Draper's hats look tiny is Ben Affleck. Apparently The Town deserves the Guinness world record for the cast with the greatest cranial surface area.

In other Hamm-related revelations, the actor talked to Vanity Fair about his very awkward appearance on a 1996 dating show, where two women passed him over. Although it looks embarrassing in retrospect, the 25-year-old Hamm was happy for it at the time, because it was a break from his "soul-crushing" gig as a set dresser for softcore Cinemax porn.

[H/T BuzzFeed]