In the course of a political campaign, reporters will often be leaked what is called opposition research—dirt, or potential dirt, compiled by campaign staffs (or affiliated nonprofits) to use against their opponents. Oppo research can be useful to journalists. Maybe a campaign has uncovered the existence of a rumor too salacious for the candidate herself to touch, leaving its secret dissemination to a reporter as their only recourse.

Well, we don’t want that stuff. (Okay, we do, but not for this. Please email with your good oppo research.) What we want is the other stuff. The frequently useless, absurd, and pathetic oppo research that campaigns desperately leak in their lowest moments. You know, something like “Jeb Bush dropped some gravy on the floor of a VFW in Iowa and DIDN’T clean it up.”

If you are a campaign reporter who has been fed oppo research so dumb that all you can do is laugh about it over drinks at a musty New Hampshire Marriott, we want to publish it. Nothing is too stupid!

You can email me at We will keep you anonymous.

[image of The Insider via YouTube]

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