Kanye West Insists He Can't Hate the Paparazzi Because His Dad Was One

Noted hater of non-Vogue photographers and seething cauldron of emotion Kanye West is now insisting there's no way he would have attacked a paparazzo outside LAX last summer, because he's actually part paparazzi himself.
West is currently being sued by Daniel Ramos, a celebrity photographer who claims West attacked him outside the Los Angeles International Airport last summer.
In his defense, West insisted during depositions this week that he'd never harbor ill will towards photographers because, as it turns out, his own father was part-paparazzo.
"My father was a paparazzo himself," West reportedly told the attorneys. This is apparently only partially true—Ray West was reportedly a photojournalist (and also a medical illustrator, Black Panther, and Christian marriage counselor.)
And he's got paparazzi friends!
"Sometimes I get in the car with paparazzi. Paparazzi help me to park," he told Ramos' lawyer Nate Goldberg. "The paparazzi watch my car and makes sure that cops don't give me tickets. There are some nice guys out here trying to just feed their family."
[image via AP]