Beyoncé's former intern Kelly Rowland had to be rescued off the coast of Massachusetts over the weekend, after a private boat she was on became lost at sea, adrift in a salty ocean of self criticism, surrounded on all sides by black churning waters of regret. Actually, it was just in the regular sea. But it was hopelessly lost.

From the description of events provided by the Cape Cod Times, it sounds like the vessel became lost while trying to hop-along for free on the back end of a paid whale-watching tour. The paper reports that Rowland's captain (Morgan?) became "disoriented" about 20 miles north of Provincetown when he lost sight of the boat he was following from a healthy distance.

Rowland's party was rescued by a local marine assistance service, which posted a picture of her lost-ass boat on its timeline with the restrained caption "Escorting a lost boat with Kelly Roland [sic] from Destiny's Child onboard." A representative for the company indicated that the vessel didn't make it back to port until around 11 p.m.

Meanwhile, on the licensed whale-watching tour, everyone saw a lot of whales and had a great time.

[Cape Cod Times // Image via Getty]

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