Meet Randy Fowler, the Rod Stewart-impersonating, electronic drum-playing, limo-driving flamboyant sweetheart of Boise, Idaho. He is also the older brother of deeply private, Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey. But unlike his brother (and fortunately for us), Randy is aching for the spotlight.

Randy, who looks, perhaps, more like a slightly smaller Rod Stewart wearing his dad’s suits assuming his dad is Liberace, does at least have the hair down.

Prospective customers can actually go to Rod’s website and pick out the outfit you’d like him to wear on your big night. According to the local interview below: “We have like 92 outfits posted, and there’s 366 different outfits crammed in my condominium... It’s getting bad, no man should have more shoes than his wife.”

Apparently, Randy was also writing—or at least planning to write—a sort of tell-all (during a separate interview for which he called his brother a “lying weirdo”) at some point in 2004, but by 2012 when the interview was filmed, he denies having any sort of book to his name. He does, however, mention that “someone” is writing a book about “his” childhood, but that it is being “totally rewritten.” While there’s no record of his book being published anywhere yet, his website does have this to say:

Though Randy has allegedly been estranged from his brother for some time, according to his Facebook, he still cares for Kevin deeply.

And lest you think Randy might be riding the coattails of his significantly more famous little bro—well, you’re probably right. Randy, however, disagrees.

Because Randy Fowler is not just Kevin Spacey’s Rod Stewart-impersonating limo-driving brother. He is also a drummer.

And a builder and painter of models of all sorts.

This one is called “The Phantom of Randy.”

He is also a UFO truther.

And, of course, a graphic designer.

But despite his many talents, Randy is a humble man. In the above interview, he mentions that he’s been a limo driver for the Make-a-Wish Foundation for a number of years. But the “wish” often ends up playing second fiddle with Randy in the car:

A lot of times, my Wish kids are so happy to be in the limousine with Rod, that going to Disney World really doesn’t mean that much.

OK, Randy. Sure.

[h/t @ironicsans]

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