The Fine Bros. have been subjecting their cavalcade of camera-ready kids to a whole host of stupid, silly, and pointless videos since practically the start of the Internet, but this week they decided to get all serious by showing their troupe of tots the now-infamous interracial Cheerios commercial.

"This episode of Kids React will discuss the sensitive subject of racism and its impact on individuals, families and the world at large," reads a disclaimer — the first of its kind for the Fines — at the start of the video. "The opinions of children about these issues can give incredibly valuable insight into where our society really is and where we are headed as people."

As you'll see in the video, getting a reaction out of the kids proved harder this time around.

Not because they were concerned about speaking openly about such a sensitive and incendiary topic, but because they simply had no clue why the hell this run-of-the-mill Cheerios commercial would upset anyone.