Harper Lee, who only wrote one book, the great To Kill a Mockingbird, has finally consented for the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel to be turned into an eBook. It only took 54* years, but who's counting?

Lee announced in a press release through her publisher, HarperCollins, that she was ready to let kids with those spangly devices learn the beauty of her singular contribution. But she's still a Luddite.

"I'm still old-fashioned. I love dusty old books and libraries. I am amazed and humbled that Mockingbird has survived this long. This is Mockingbird for a new generation."

But with a recent study claiming that handwritten notes are easier to remember than notes that were typed, will the learning curve apply to reading physical texts versus digital?

The first eBook, if you've never read it and don't really go for paper and twine, will be available digitally on July 8.

*Technically, this is more like 27 years, since the first concrete iteration of an eBook reader arrived around 1987

[Image via AP]