The only thing worse than arriving to a funeral and realizing you are dressed exactly like the dead body is showing up to Fashion Week and realizing you are wearing the exact same thing as your husband, which is: not a bra, sister.

Unfortunately, that is exactly the fate that befell America's most unflappable iPhone character at Paris Fashion Week on Thursday.

TMZ reports that shortly before the above picture was taken, the Karadshian-Wests were booed by onlookers for arriving to their front row seats at the Lanvin fashion show after it had started.

In a video on the site, a visibly agitated West approaches the hecklers and yells that the couple were "not late!" Instead, he suggests that Lanvin's creative director Alber Elbaz was behind the poorly timed arrival.

"Alber asked to see us! Don't boo us!" he yells. "Alber asked to see us! Don't boo us!"

His top is so wide-open.

[Image via Getty]