Last night, after Rep. Vance McAllister (R-La.) publicly apologized for snogging, on surveillance video, in his congressional office, a staffer who was not his wife, he received a text from a stranger: "Hey bro. How's your day goin." For some inexplicable reason, he replied—at length.

McAllister, a conservative freshman congressman who is married with five children and made his Christian faith a centerpiece of his special election campaign last fall, was caught on old surveillance video from December making out with his scheduler in the dark. Hours after that video made its way to a local newspaper yesterday, McAllister issued an apology for his behavior and, naturally, fired the scheduler.

That assistant, Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, and her husband Heath were longtime family friends of McAllister's and had backed his campaign with sizable donations.

A guy calling himself "Teflon Man" emailed us last night claiming that he'd found McAllister's cell phone number online, and started texting with him.

These are the texts he provided, with the phone number redacted:

The source asked McAllister if he'd been in contact with Heath Peacock, the family friend and husband of the woman with whom McAllister had his darkened-room dalliance:

That's when McAllister seemed to get a little suspicious.

"He stopped replying after that," Teflon says.

I texted the same number this morning to confirm the conversation:

Five minutes later, I received a call from Adam Terry, McAllister's chief of staff. He didn't directly confirm the conversation, but said that the congressman's staff was dealing with a substantial amount of local and national scrutiny. When asked if he was very busy, Terry laughed and replied in an easy Louisiana drawl, "What gave you that idea?"