Certain members of Kosovo’s parliament are vehemently opposed to EU-backed deals the country’s government has made with Serbia and Montenegro. Fair enough. This opposition group has decided to interrupt business and force parliament to reconsider the deals, as members of the U.S. Senate might via the filibuster. Except this opposition group does not fuck around with words and novels and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-type shit. These loonies are on to chemical weapons, now.

The opposition group, led by the Self-Determination party, set off tear gas canisters during a session today and, as expected, forced a suspension of parliament business. Look at this craziness:

As the Telegraph reports, at issue are deals that give Kosovo’s Serb-majority areas greater power, and another that deals with border demarcation issues with Montenegro. The opposition group believes the deals put Kosovo’s national sovereignty at stake and, by definition, challenge its territorial integrity.

Parliament Speaker and sly pun-master Kadri Veseli disapproves of the tactic and urged the opposition group to adhere to parliamentary procedure for such disputes.

“Their behaviour so far is violating such a possibility and suffocating democracy,” he said at a news conference.

I’ll say!

This is apparently the second time in two weeks the opposition has utilized this tactic after pelting Prime Minister Isa Mustafa with eggs back in September.

[Telegraph] [Reuters]

Photos via AP