Semi-pro frown girl Kristen Stewart is taking some time off from her main art form, acting, to work on another: makin' shit. In an interview with USA Today, she explains that she's buying a "live-work space in downtown LA" to produce wares with her bare hands.

Here is USA Today's obviously censored version of K-Stew's plans:

I'm taking some time off because I've been working for two years. I'm an actor and that's my art form, and because I started that so young, I've always felt intimidated and insufficient when I think about other forms of art I want to create. I'm going to take so much time off.

I'm going to buy a live-work space in downtown LA and I'm going to make some (stuff) with my hands. Literally, I made that decision a few weeks ago. I'm making a short film. I'm making a bunch of (stuff). I don't know how I'll put it out. But I'm not going to hold it so preciously close to me. I write all the time.


Later in the interview, Kristen makes a desperate plea for the interviewer to characterize her as "not frowning." Here's her effort to convince us all she's not doing exactly what she's doing: "I'm really happy right now, overly happy. I'm definitely not looking furtively—I like to look around at (stuff). I feel great. I'm not overcoming fear right now."

I'm definitely not looking furtively... I'm definitely not... looking... furtively

Mazel tov to Kris and her foray into making what we hope is some Miley Cyrus-style shit.

[Photo via AP]