After a rash of recent crime, residents of Fairview Township, Pa. can finally rest at ease: Members of the local chapter of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have started a neighborhood watch program in the township, complete with fliers and a 24-hour "Klanline."

But don't worry, the crime-fighting division of the hate group say they won't target minorities.

"It's just like any neighborhood watch program. It's not targeting any specific ethnicity. We would report anything we see to law enforcement," the Traditionalist American Knights' Grand Wizard Frank Ancona told Penn Live. "We don't hate people. We are an organization who looks out for our race. We believe in racial separation. God created each species after its kind and saw that it was good."

According to Ancona, the 24-hour "Klanline" is already popular with some residents. The Klan leader said several people have called in to complain about the police's lack of follow-up to a string of recent burglaries in the area. Ancona disagrees; he thinks the police are doing just fine for now but might need help from friendly local racists sometime in the future.

Ancona spoke with Penn Live from the group's headquarters in Missouri, refusing to grant interviews to the heads of the local Pennsylvania chapter because he said he's worried about individuals—like the suspected Kansas Jewish Centers shooter Frasier Glenn Miller, who Ancona says went "rogue"—distorting the group's message.

Ancona also expressed concern that local KKK members might be "discriminated" against. From Penn Live:

People can lose jobs and family and friends when they are traced back to the KKK, Ancona said. And that's because the klan is "somewhat discriminated against," he said.


Ancona described Pennsylvania as a "strong Yankee state" for his organization with a large membership base. The group's "realm of greater Pennsylvania" encompasses West Virginia and western New York.

"Members could be the guy who is delivering your pizza. It could be law enforcement from the local sheriff's office. It could be the nurse taking care of you in the emergency room," Ancona said.

Maybe CNN was on to something?