Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date

In a sprawling Facebook post and subsequent interview with Radar Online, a woman named Taylor Lianne Chandler has made a number of fascinating claims about herself and her alleged relationship with Michael Phelps. Among them: she was born intersex, met the Olympic swimmer on Tinder, and fucked said Olympic swimmer on their first date watching football on TV.
"Many of you have wondered why I was so freaked out about my relationship with Michael Phelps being exposed," the 41-year-old D.C.-area woman begins her post. "Here is the truth."
I was born intersex and named David Roy Fitch at birth. By the time I could walk and talk I made it clear I was a girl and dressed as one. In my early teens I was medically diagnosed and went on testosterone blockers, at 15 estrogen enhancers. My birth certificate was modified along with my name while I was a teenager, prior to any corrective surgery.
Citing an anonymous tipster (that could very well have been Chandler herself), The Hollywood Gossip previously named Chandler as Michael Phelps' companion the night of his latest DUI, a claim repeated in her recent Facebook post.
Yes, I was with Michael the night of the DUI, the story of the Uber and crying and me wanting to stay with him that night are true. A lot of the other things printed are lies. I am probably going to lose him because he is a brand that his team wants to protect and things since he went to rehab came to my attention that didn't put him or our relationship in the best light. He is the first man I ever had intimacy with and felt comfortable and all woman.
Today, Chandler followed up her announcement by giving Radar Online additional details of her supposed first date with Phelps after meeting him on Tinder, which involved watching a Baltimore Ravens game at the athlete's home. "One thing led to the next, and we made love during halftime," Chandler told the site. "Later, we had sex again."
Chandler says she only told Phelps about her past once the "threat of the media exposing me forced me too."
I am telling my story to take the power away from the media and tabloids that want to hurt Michael and I. I will probably lose him, which hurts like hell.