Despite the financial support of all of America’s rich people, amiable Republic meerkat Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign is now being run with all the shabby frugality of a thrift store that is slowly going bankrupt.

It seems that old JEB is having some donor troubles. The trouble is donors want to give money to somebody who might win. And Jeb Bush, despite being in peak physical condition, reminds voters of their elementary school principal too much for them to ever really like him. Now, the JEB campaign is slashing expenses and payroll costs by up to 40%, Bloomberg reports. So deep are the cuts that “Some senior-level staff and consultants will continue to work with the campaign on a volunteer basis.”

A volunteer basis. Very un-Republican. This is also one of the shittiest volunteer causes that anyone could ever choose.

Why can’t JEB seem to connect with the electorate? “His main challenge: The burden of trying to convince voters hungry for change to choose a man whose father and brother both served as president.”

Hmm. That’s a toughie.

[Photo: AP]