"NO MORE!!" exclaims Heather McGill, the wife of Alabama State Senator Shadrack McGill (R-Woodville), in a fire-and-brimstone Facebook post aimed at the many women who have apparently been using the social networking site to send her husband private photos and invite him "to explore."

"I have been silent for long enough!!" McGill writes, claiming that "multiple" women, some of whom "may not even be real" have been soliciting her spouse through Facebook while children are present.

"It is a shame that people are so heartless that they would try to split up families," McGill, or a person claiming to be her, says in the warning shot posted on her husband's official Facebook page last night. "We have children that look at our face books from time to time! Shame on you! You know who you are."

McGill, who says she is "blessed to be the wife of a God fearing, hard working, ministry minded, loving father and husband," insists it is "not just my right but my duty to lovingly serve" Shadrack "by protecting him."

She goes on to threaten to expose the Facebook succubi by publicly naming them "before we 'unfriend' you."

Her post continues:

I love my husband and my children too much to sit here and allow this to go on and will not give the enemy anymore foothold into my family! This is the "behind the scenes" garbage that political life brings. I will not turn a blind eye to it any longer! I remember years ago my Pastors wife standing before the congregation preaching to the young women about their dress which had gotten out of hand and she boldly stood before them and spoke the truth. I boldly stand before you today and declare that I will stand beside my husband, support him, love him, and protect him at ALL cost!!!! Those of you who know who you are consider yourself warned! Those of you who understand my heart, thank you for listening and may God bless your families!

McGill hopes that by going viral, her post "strengthens marriages and families across this district, our state, and our country."

State Sen. McGill was last in the news back in February for comparing the aborting of a fetus to the destruction of an eagle egg.

UPDATE: In a follow-up interview just posted to AL.com, Sen. McGill claims his wife's Facebook post was the end result of frustrations that have "built up" since having allegedly unsolicited strippers show up at their house during his last campaign.

"As we get into the campaign season, we have concern whether we'll have to deal with that kind of thing again," McGill told the news site.

He also claims that, since he took office, his Facebook page has "hijacked" a couple of times by women who have "sent me pictures of themselves half-naked, saying, 'I had a great time last night with Shadrack McGill.'"

In the comments of his wife's post, McGill thanked his wife for her support.

"Thank you my dear loving help mate for doing some much needed house keeping on our face book page," the lawmaker wrote. "You are a wise woman and If you were running for my senate seat, I would vote for you babe."

[photo via Facebook]