A former Wesleyan University student admitted Thursday that he had led a campus drug ring that left at least 11 students in the hospital after he sold them a bad batch of molly.

The nightmare reportedly began February 22, when a wave of students were hospitalized prompting the university president to send out a campus-wide message urging students to check on their friends.

Zachary Kramer, 22, was arrested days after the overdoses spread across campus leaving at least one sophomore in critical condition. Another student’s heart stopped.

The details, via the Washington Post (An October Rolling Stone profile also offers a more in-depth look):

According to a federal indictment, Kramer returned from winter break in January with at least 25 grams of what he believed to be MDMA, a Schedule-I psychotropic drug often known as “Molly.” That semester, he was one of the school’s chief suppliers of Molly, which he allegedly sold at $80 to $100 a gram. He also gave it to some friends (referred to in the indictment as “distributors”) for redistribution to other students on campus, the indictmentsaid.

After the overdoses, the indictment said, Kramer urged his distributors not to speak with the police and told other students that that one of his “distributors” was the source of the purported “bad” Molly. He and some of his distributors destroyed their supply of the drug.

As it turns out, federal prosecutors say, it wasn’t Molly at all—it was a synthetic cannaboid containing AB Fubinaca, also known as K2 or Spice.

Kramer, who authorities say was the primary supplier of Molly at the university, pleaded guilty to federal drug charges and could face up to a year-and-a-half behind bars.

Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.