A deeply confused pack of hoodlums has been terrorizing a local ISIS den (of books and other assorted gifts) in Denver ever since the (unaffiliated) ISIS-perpetrated attacks in Paris last week. Now, the store’s owners have a message for the world: Please leave ISIS (Books & Gifts) alone.

According to Denver’s local ABC affiliate, the most recent bout of violence against ISIS (Books & Gifts) occurred just this past weekend, when vandals destroyed the store’s signs.

Screenshots via Denver 7.

The (Egyptian goddess) ISIS-affiliated store has been attacked for its name five separate times this year. As the co-founder of ISIS (Books & Gifts) explained to the Associated Press, he believes his persecutors to be “some ignorant people believing that somehow the terrorists have a store, a gift store, in the middle of Denver, Colorado.”

Despite its setbacks, though, ISIS (Books & Gifts) is, as always, determined to persevere, saying that “for now, we are definitely sticking with the name.”

What’s more, ISIS (Books & Gifts) has even seen a recent increase in profits. Yet another sign that ISIS (Books & Gifts) is on the rise.

[h/t Huffington Post]

Contact the author at ashley@gawker.com. Screenshot via Denver 7.