Kimberly Kidwell and Katie Short of Little Rock, Arkansas, gathered with their beloved on the front yard of The Equality House in Topeka, Kansas, this past Saturday to join themselves in the sight of God, family, and the Westboro Baptist Church.

The gay marriage ceremony held in the rainbow-colored residence across the street from the homebase of the most anti-gay church in America won't be recognized by neither Kansas nor Arkansas for some time, but that didn't matter to Kidwell, Short, and their guests.

Nor were they particularly bothered by the signs set up by the Phelps clan decrying "Dyke sin."

"I guess I was almost numb after seeing them for a minute," Kidwell told the Huffington Post. "I knew the signs would be there, and I wasn't even angry about it. We were just so ecstatic to be getting married."

The event was organized by Aaron Jackson, co-founder of Planting Peace and Equality House's landlord, as part of the charity group's ongoing trolling the trolls campaign.

It was also intended to coincide with the lead up to a potentially historic Supreme Court decision on the subject of same-sex marriage.

"None of us know exactly how the court is going to rule, but no matter what they say, there is still a lot of work to be done," Jackson told HuffPost.

Somewhat surprisingly, the Phelps welcomed the wedding, saying they hoped more would follow.

"I hope this is the first of what will become ground central for this sodomite marriage brigade," spokesperson Jonathan Phelps told the Topeka Capital-Journal. "The only reason they are holding a marriage ceremony here is because of the faithful preaching about what the Bible says about their sin."

[H/T: Towleroad]