Did you know: in 2010, someone uploaded a clip of Kanye West's improv sitcom HBO pilot to YouTube, and nobody noticed? Three full years and four Kanye albums have passed, and we haven't made fun of him for this. Let's do that riii-iiight now.

Here's a blockquote from a 2008 article on MTV.com, when such a thing seemed possible and maybe even good:

[Executive Producer Larry] Charles did say that the show is roughly Kanye's version of Larry David's show, "Curb Your Enthusiasm," an idea that Kanye thought up himself. "What Kanye West said to me the first time, he said, 'I'm the black Larry David.' That's the first thing he said to me. So it's like a Kanye-and-'Curb' show, it's kind of improvised about the situations and stuff.

The project was scrapped—probably when someone at HBO saw the above video—because it was "too hardcore," according to one network exec. Imagine watching this footage, which is really about as enjoyable as being screamed at by Kanye West, and then having to think of a way to explain how bad it is, to Kanye West. We dig the idea of a Black Larry David, but it's just too hardcore. It's also probably the worst thing The Yantichrist has ever created, and that's including his recent music video homage to The Sims.