"Let's Fucking Roll": Track Palin's Drunken Interview With Police

In new audio from the Palin Wasilla Throwdown, Track Palin recounts the night of fisticuffs, shouting, and crying to a police officer as best his drunken self will allow.
Track first explains how his family got into their scrape in the first place. "Alright this is my old man," Track tells police. "It's his birthday, okay. So we're at this party in Wasilla. Dude, surprise him with a new truck, new trailer, new wrap on the trailer. Everything was fucking kosher."
At some point, men at the party at family friend Korey Klingenmeyer's house allegedly badmouthed the Palin daughters, leading to father Todd and son Track punching their friend Steve. "He's like a little pussy you know what I'm saying?" Track told the officer. "Like he's not gonna fight nobody. Most innocent, basically a gay guy, but he's not."
More men then apparently became involved. Track took his shirt off.
"I just bought this brand new shirt, so I took it off. I don't want to rip it," Track tells the officer. "Let's fucking fight. Four guys came on me, I hit one. One picked me up, tackled me, I hit one."
He insists, however, that had it been a fair, one-on-one fight, he'd have won.
"If it was one-on-one, I'd beat the shit out of them," he said. "One-on-one, like I'll beat their ass. I'm not trying to be gay or nothing. But they're four guys, man, like come on. I've done jujitsu my whole life, wrestled forever. Like let's fucking roll."
And when the officer of apparently saintly patience asks Track to describe the men he fought, he simply explained, "They're all like little bitches."
The full, 30-minute recording can be heard here, via Talking Points Memo.