Liz Cheney Is Pissing Off Conservatives In Wyoming

Liz Cheney wants to be in the Senate, and she wants to be in the Senate now. So much so that's she's thinking of challenging her not-not-evil father's old fishing buddy, Michael B. Enzi, which could start a Republican "civil war."
(Side note - hunting or fishing with Dick Cheney seems like a guaranteed way to ensure something bad happens to you, kind of like watching that VHS in The Ring.)
Enzi, who just won a seat on the Senate Financial Committee, has said that he's not ready to retire. Cheney challenging him would bring about “the destruction of the Republican Party of Wyoming,” Alan K. Simpson, a former Republican senator from the state, told the New York Times.
Enzi, who plays well with Democrats and avoids political talk shows because "their goal is to get guests to beat up on their colleagues," is generally well-liked among his constituents.
“I know of no one who doesn’t want Mike Enzi to run for the Senate again,” former Wyoming House speaker Douglas W. Chamberlain told the Times.
Although Cheney hasn't announced anything, she's been traveling across the state, attending events, trotting out her parents, posting Wyoming-centric photos, and referring to Wyoming as "God's country". Enzi says Cheney told him she was thinking about running, but that he'd expect Dick Cheney to give him a courtesy call before she actually announces.
But even if Enzi does retire, not everyone in the Republican Party wants to see another Cheney in politics. Representative Cynthia M. Lummis, an at-large Republican congresswoman for Wyoming, has said publically she would support Enzi if he ran again, and would run for the Senate if he retired.