A woman in her 60s was found beheaded in front of an apartment complex in Farmingdale, Long Island late Tuesday night. Twenty minutes after police arrived at the scene, her suspected killer jumped in front of an oncoming Long Island Rail Road train. Police suspect the incident was a murder-suicide of a mother and son.

The woman's body was found dressed in only bra and underwear on one side of the street and her head on the other. Shortly after police began investigating the beheading, the New York Daily News reports, they received a call from MTA police informing them that a man in his 30s had jumped in front of a train to his death.

"The body's feet were at the curb, the shoulders were at the middle of the street. The head was across the street," Jack Imperial, 41, who saw the woman's body from a taxi, told the Daily News. "I've seen some gruesome stuff in my years of living...but nothing like this. I didn't expect to see something like this, especially not out here. I thought it was Halloween hoax. There was no big splatter of blood. It looked staged."

One of the woman's neighbors, Nick Gordon, told the New York Post he also saw the grisly scene. "I looked through my window and saw the body down there," Gordon said."I saw the lady laying right in front and her head was across the street, close to the corner. I thought 'Holy shit!'"

A Yellow Cab Corp. dispatcher told the Daily News that a number of his drivers saw the body and severed head as they drove past the scene on their way to pick passengers up from the nearby train station.

"One guy said he needs therapy now," the dispatcher told the Daily News. "They said it was one of the most disgusting things they'd ever seen."

[Screengrab via Pix11]