Terrorists Are Taking Cruises on Their Way to Join ISIS

Interpol agents say that might be a terrorist getting a custom-made egg-white omelet next to you on the Grand Ballroom buffet line. The hot new trend among ISIS-bound terrorists is apparently cruise ships—which were, up until now, a fairly easy way of traveling undetected.
Pierre St. Hilaire, the director of Interpol's counterterrorism unit, told the AP that foreign wannabe jihadists have been circumventing security forces, particularly in Turkey along the Syrian border.
It's not clear which cruise lines the ISIS-bound sailors traveled on, or whether the laid-back cruise life gave anyone second thoughts about doubling down on the whole terrorism thing.
But Interpol's outgoing chief says terrorists are still better than the usual scum they deal with on cruise ships:
"Originally, our concern about people on cruise ships — dangerous people on cruise ships — really focused on the classic sort of rapist, burglar, or violent criminal," outgoing Interpol chief Ronald Noble told the AP. "But as we've gathered data, we've realized that there are more and more reports that people are using cruise ships in order to get to launch pads, if you will — sort of closer to the conflict zones — of Syria and Iraq."