Earlier this summer, Louis C.K. found a dead body. According to an interview with David Letterman on the Late Show, C.K was driving his boat up the East River near lower Manhattan when he spotted a "floater" in the water.

"I got a boat and I was floating around lower Manhattan and up the East Side and you have a radio on the whole time, it's an open channel,” he told Letterman. “So the coast guard comes on and says, 'Please be aware there's report of a body in the water south of the Queensboro Bridge,' which is where I was. And as soon as I heard it I looked down and there was the dude in the water."

“It was creepy and weird, and I felt embarrassed for him a little bit,” he added. "I called the Coast Guard and I said 'I got the dead guy right here!'"

C.K. told Letterman he left after the Coast Guard and NYPD arrived. As for the body, C.K. said he Googled him later and found out the man had committed suicide. “This is the most depressing thing ever on your show,” he said, laughing.

[Business Insider]

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